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Members of the European Works Council and PPR Group Management strengthen their commitment by signing two charters; one in favour of the employment of disabled persons and the other concerning Seniors, within the PPR Group in Europe.
These documents set out a series of rules and guidelines which have to define the action of the Group’s companies and brands in these areas.
These documents also aim to extend the PPR’s commitment on a European level, to help mentalities to evolve by raising the awareness of the Group’s employees, and finally ensuring a follow-up of the local implementation of the commitments made.
The charter in favour of the employment of disabled persons reaffirms our mobilisation for equal opportunities and the promotion of diversity, and defines common rules and commitments for the entire PPR Group. This charter is in line with the strong commitment made by the Group since the signature of the first partnership agreement with the AGEFIPH[1] in 2005, and then the second in 2007.
As for the charter concerning Seniors, this aims to find the most adequate means to enhance the competences of Seniors and to look after their working conditions, but also to develop good practices within the PPR Group.
Expressions of the unity and strength of the commitment of the PPR Group and its European Works Council, these charters enable a better appropriation of the commitments made by ensuring an implementation in all of the PPR companies and brands.
About PPR
PPR develops a portfolio of high-growth global brands. Through its Consumer and its Luxury brands, PPR generated sales of EUR 19.1 billion in 2007. The Group is present in 90 countries with approximately 90,000 employees. PPR shares are listed on Euronext Paris (# 121485, PRTP.PA, PPFP).
To explore the universe of PPR brands go to www.ppr.com: Fnac, Redcats Group (La Redoute, Vertbaudet, Somewhere, Cyrillus, Daxon, Ellos, The Sportsman’s Guide, The Golf Warehouse and brands of the plus-size division), Conforama, CFAO, Puma and the Luxury brands of Gucci Group (Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Boucheron, Sergio Rossi, Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney).
Press: Charlotte Judet + 33 1 45 64 65 06 cjudet@ppr.com
Cindy Germanaud+ 33 1 45 64 61 57 cgermanaud@ppr.com
[1]AGEFIPH: Association pour la Gestion du Fonds pour l’Insertion des Personnes Handicapées (Disabled Persons’ Occupational Integration Fund Management Association)